BHC have the pleasure of exhibiting at Gillingham Marina tomorrow, Saturday 13th of May. The weather is due to be perfect for enjoying the lovely riverside setting, in the sunshine. Our hovercraft pilots really enjoy cruising the historic River Medway...
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BHC Directors & our Chief Pilot will be visiting the coastal, harbour town of Dungarvan later on this month. We will be flying one of our commercial hovercraft models over the course of 3 days & will have some limited...
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Thanks to our Hover-friend at Marcel Fernandes Photography who took some fantastic footage of our recent hovercraft cruise in Kent. We are often out hover-cruising on the River Medway, mudlarking & generally having great fun along our historical Kent coast...
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This BHC BEAST XL Hovercraft has arrived at it's new home in stunning Beiam, Norway. Our client needs suitable access to his holiday cabin around the islands and atolls of Bodo. When the ice is not thick enough in some...
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The weather maybe gloomy here today, but this vibrant red BHC BEAST XL Hovercraft is now on the way to it's new home, amongst the stunning fjords & northern lights of beautiful Norway. We can't wait to see photos &...
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BHC are so excited to announce our fully electric hovercraft model, the ECO-BEAST. Working with Britain's only green renewable energy provider, Ecotricity, BHC have produced the next generation of hovercraft, crucially substituting the fossil fuel powered, 4-stroke engine for clean...
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This BHC BEAST Hovercraft is now on it's way to our client on the Arabian Peninsula. We look forward to updates & photos of this awesome craft out hovering in the Saudi Arabian sunset. The BEAST is our most popular...
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BHC is proud to exhibit our amazing hovercraft this weekend at the NEC show BOATLIFE 16-19th February - where our exhibit will be taking pride of place. BHC will be flying the flag for british manufacturing & exportation at this...
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Found a PENNY! Well....a Halfpenny A big shout-out to one of our hover-friends for kindly donating his treasure to BHC. Mark found the (1729) George II Halfpenny recently while out hovering on the River Medway. One of our most...
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WOW! Fully refurbished hovercraft by BHC This very early Coastal-Pro Hovercraft certainly needed lots of BHC TLC! Our client had been waiting for a BHC Coastal-Pro, as they don't often become available, he purchased the craft & asked us to...
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Keeping up our tradition of a New Year hovercraft cruise & even the sun shone! What a great day with hover-friends. The cruise had to be put back a day due to Benn's love of football - attending Tottenham stadium...
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It's been quite a year! With various project plans for BHC into 2023, we look forward to updating all our hover-friends in the coming months. Team BHC would like to wish you all a lovely Christmas & our best...
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Osprey & Snapper hovercraft offer
Fully serviced & ready to fly - ideal for Christmas.
Why not have the pair??
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BHC would like to congratulate our UK rescue services in Southend-on-Sea & Morecambe for 20 years of life saving service with BBV & Griffon hovercraft. BHC are proud to be part of such a unique and clearly vital industry...
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Our Australian distributor has launched their website A container with demo craft will be heading out to Oz shortly, there is still some space within should you want to consider purchasing a hovercraft. Australia has an enormous array of...
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