The Coastal Pro XL MACV is our top of the range hovercraft and has proved its value in a variety of demanding applications & conditions. With uses ranging from rescue craft on frozen Finnish rivers to UXO (munitions) detection in Kuwaiti oil pits - It’s provided an invaluable platform for commercial and utility work such as accessing island homes, intertidal crew transfer on civil engineering projects, geotechnical survey platform and regular TV and media work.
In intertidal areas, there is simply no easier way to travel. It is safe, environmentally friendly (no surface damage or exhaust gases into the water), and it's economical and reliable.
MACV specification craft include the following upgrades as standard:
Following Publication and adoption of the MCA 'Hovercraft Code of Practice CoP-23, small hovercraft are able to operate in limited commercial roles without a requirement for coding (see the Code for details of operating areas and crew requirements). This saves a considerable cost and of coiurse, whilst there is a specification which must be met, the MCA designation will be applied to BHC craft whaich are built and certified to HCoP commercial standards
Various colours available on request.
Please contact us so we can help you.