We have all heard about the shared ownership of aeroplanes, now we have the opportunity to offer shared ownership of top of the range, BHC Hovercraft.

Based on our sea going Tidal-Pro Hovercraft the purchase cost of this shared ownership would only be £7,500+VAT.

Once you decide to go ahead, we will use our marketing team to find another three individuals to join you in this purchase. You can also decide to pay more and own more if you choose.

This opportunity offers all the benefits of owning a hovercraft but with a much smaller investment, and has the following advantages:

If you absolutely love your investment in your hovercraft & you don't want to share; in the first 12-months we will give you 100% credit against your investment in the shared ownership scheme, against the purchase of a new hovercraft*.

If, for whatever reason in the first 12-months you're not happy with your investment, we will repurchase your share at 75% of your investment*.

In years 1-3. we will repurchase your share at 50% of your investment and thereafter,33% of your investment.

Or, if your prefer, we will broker your share for a 15%+VAT fee.

Your or your other co-owners will have the opportunity to provide hovercaft demonstrations on behalf of BHC for a fee/credit on parts.

You will automatically be given a complimentary annual membership of the HCGB, courtesy of BHC.

You will automatically be enrolled for 3 years membership in The British Hovercaft Company Membership Club, which entitles you to various complimentary 'HOVERCRAFT PILOT' merchandise, 10% discount on parts & 5x complimentary skirt segments annually.
There has never been a better time to get in the cockpit of a new, top-spec hovercraft, for only the cost of a second-hand, small hovercraft.