Flying high in the Outer Hebrides!

Well we couldn’t go much further north for a UK hover-demo, a 1500 mile round trip from the South East corner of Kent to the beautiful Isle of Lewis off the north coast of Scotland.
Blessed with stunning weather and views, our commercial Coastal-Pro hovercraft performed perfectly – demonstrating it’s versitility on challenging peat bog terrain, to ensure safe passage for crew transfer to some very inaccessible areas and pumping station.

Hovercraft are often the overlooked commercial solution, for land and water based commercial operations such as bridge/pier survey, marine/geo-tech and safety vessel cover.

Hovercraft are not restricted by tide or soft, boggy ground as made clear in this latest demonstation which had left an Argocat stranded in the bog!Do you need a commercial solution? Hovercraft hire or purchase could be the answer.

To discuss further please call: +44(0)1304 619820 or +44(0) 7496